主要从事沉积学、非常规储层地质学及沉积地球化学等方面的科研工作。主讲《非常规油气地质学》、《储层地质学》、《石油地质软件与应用》等课程。担任“Lithophere”、“Marine and petroleum Geology”、“China Geology”、“地球科学”等期刊客座主编和审稿专家。获得中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖1项。软件著作权3项。
1. 2023-2025年,国家自然科学基金项目,早二叠世古气候对玛湖凹陷风城组碱湖沉积时空演化的控制机理,主持;
2. 2022-2024年,宁夏科技厅重点研发项目,六盘山盆地炭山地区油页岩地质与环境生态保护关键技术研究,主持;
3. 2021-2023年,宁夏回族自治区矿产地质调查院,宁夏固原炭山地区煤与油页岩共生机制及差异性成藏机理研究,主持;
4. 2019-2021年,湖北省自然科学基金,致密砂岩储层微观孔隙特征及其演化研究,主持;
5. 2019-2020年,“地质资源与地质工程”一流学科开放基金,玛湖凹陷风城组碱湖沉积特征及其形成机理,主持;
6. 2019-2019年,中石化江汉油田研究院,潜江凹陷潜江组碳、硫及锶同位素测试,主持;
7. 2018-2020年,湖北省人力资源与社会保障厅,鄂尔多斯盆地杭锦旗地区甜点控制因素,主持;
8. 2019-2020年,中海石油(上海),绍兴36-5气田内部构型表征及周边潜力目标评价研究,研究骨干。
9. 2019-2020年,中石油新疆油田,准噶尔盆地玛湖—盆1井西凹陷三叠系、二叠系沉积动力机制分析与有利储层预测,研究骨干。
10. 2018-2020年,国家科技重大专项子课题,《深层优势储层沉积成因机制及地质预测技术》,研究骨干;
1. Xu, Qinghai; Xie, Xiangyang; Zhang Changmin; Hai Lianfu; Arthur Busbey. Integrated diagenesis study of tight gas sandstone: The Permian Lower Shihezi Formaiton, Northern Ordos Basin, China.Lithosphere, 2022(1), 7760591.
2. Xu, Qinghai; Shi, Wanzhong; Xie, Xiangyang; Manger, Walter; McGuire, Preston; Zhang, Xiaoming; Wang, Ren; Xu, Zhuang, Deep-lacustrine sandy debrites and turbidites in the lower Triassic Yanchang Formation, southeast Ordos Basin, central China: Facies distribution and reservoir quality,Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016.11, 77: 1095~1107.
3. Xu, Qinghai; Shi, Wanzhong; Xie, Yuhong; Wang, Zhenfeng; Li,Xusheng; Tong, Chuanxin, Identification of low-overpressure interval and its implication to hydrocarbon migration: Case study in the Yanan sag of the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea,PLOS ONE, 2017.9.21, 12(9): 0~e0183676. (SCI)
4. Xu, Qinghai; Shi, Wanzhong ; Xie, Xiangyang ; Busbey, Arthur; Xu, Litao; Wu, Rui; Liu, Kai, Inversion and propagation of the Late Paleozoic Porjianghaizi fault (North Ordos Basin, China): Controls on sedimentation and gas accumulations,Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2018.2, 91: 706~722.
5. Xu, Qinghai; Shi, Wanzhong; Xie, Xiangyang; Zhang, Changmin; Manger, Walter; Feng, Wenjie; Rao, Song, Multichannel systems in an ancient river-dominated delta: case study of the lower Yanchang Formation, southwest Ordos Basin, China,Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2019,59:1027-1040.
6. Hai, Lianfu;Xu QingHai*; Mu, Caixia; et al. Geological characteristics and geological significance of rare earth elements in oil shale of the Yan’an Formation in the Tanshan Area, in the Liupanshan Basin, China, Interpretaion, 2021, 9(3), 1-41.
7. Hai, Lianfu; Mu Caixia;Xu, Qinghai*; et al. The Sequence Stratigraphic Division and Depositional Environment of the Jurassic Yan’an Formation in the Pengyang Area, Southwestern Margin of the Ordos Basin, China. Energies, 2022(15), 5130.
8.徐清海,吴楠,王健,海连富,曹日洲. 银川盆地清水营组咸化湖盆沉积特征与湖盆演化. 地球科学,2022.
9.王泽宇,徐清海,侯国伟,张昌民,朱锐,刘思琦. 东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷W井区平湖组潮汐沉积模式. 海相油气地质,2021,159-169.