李明涛,男,中共党员,山东临沂人,2020年博士毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)古生物学与地层学专业,研究方向为碳酸盐岩沉积学,以第一作者发表国际SCI论文5篇,包括2篇《Geology》 (Nature Index期刊)、1篇《Sedimentology》及2篇《Sedimentary Geology》,获得了第十一届李四光优秀博士研究生奖,2019年度国家奖学金、Wiley数据库2018-2019两年度Top 10%最受关注奖、中国地质大学第29届科技论文报告会一等奖、中国地质大学(武汉)优秀博士论文、中国地质大学(武汉)优秀毕业生。多次前往西藏南部进行野外工作,在海拔平均4500米的藏南地区野外工作3个多月,恢复了藏南地区早三叠世-中三叠世古海洋环境,为研究中高纬度碳酸盐岩沉积提供了重要视角。
1. Li, M., Wignall, P.B., Dai, X., Hu, M.Y., and Song, H.J.*, 2021, Phanerozoic variation in dolomite abundance linked to oceanic anoxia:Geology, doi: 10.1130/G48502.1. (中科院分区:1区, IF: 8.3)
2.Li, M., Song, H.*, Woods, A.D., Dai X. and Wignall, P.B. (2019) Facies and evolution of the carbonate factory during the Permian-Triassic crisis in South Tibet, China.Sedimentology, 50, 3008-3028. (中科院分区:1区, IF: 5.8)
3.Li, M., Song, H.*, Wignall, P.B., She, Z., Dai, X., Song H. and Xiao, Q. (2019) Early Triassic oceanic red beds coupled with deep sea oxidation in South Tethys.Sedimentary Geology, 391, 105519. (中科院分区:2区, IF: 6.2)
4.Li, M., Song, H.*, Algeo, T. J., Wignall, P. B., Dai, X., & Woods, A. D. (2019). A dolomitization event at the oceanic chemocline during the Permian-Triassic transition: REPLY.Geology, 47, e468–e468. (中科院分区:1区, IF: 4.66)
5.Li, M., Song, H.*, Algeo, T.J., Wignall, P.B., Dai, X. and Woods, A.D. (2018) A dolomitization event at the oceanic chemocline during the Permian-Triassic transition.Geology, 46, 1043–1046. (中科院分区:1区, IF: 4.66)
6.Li, M., Song, H.*, Tian, L.*, Woods, A.D., Dai, X. and Song, H. (2018) Lower Triassic deep sea carbonate precipitates from South Tibet, China.Sedimentary Geology, 376, 60–71. (中科院分区:2区, IF: 3.23)
7. Shan, X., Yu, X., Clift, P. D., Tan, C., Jin, L.,Li, M., & Li, W. (2015). The ground penetrating radar facies and architecture of a paleo-spit from Huangqihai Lake, North China: implications for genesis and evolution.Sedimentary Geology, 323, 1–14. (中科院分区:2区, IF: 3.23)
8.李明涛, 于兴河*, 李顺利,等. 环境敏感粒度组分在识别三角洲朵叶期次中的应用[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2014(11): 3853-3865. (EI, IF: 0.99)
1. 藏南珠穆朗玛峰地区早三叠世古海洋碳-氮-硫同位素演化, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与。
1. IGCP 630: Permian-Triassic climate & environmental extremes and biotic response. Wuhan, 22-24th, May, 2018. Oral: Origin and significance of the Lower Triassic deep sea carbonate precipitates in southern Tibet, China.
2. Workshop: Research Group of Biosphere Evolution, Transitions and Resilience (BETR), Eco-PT Working Team. Wuhan, 16-18th, September, 2019. (Poster)